Maciej Ciszek#cleancodematters — chapter IClean your damn code! Why should I really care?Dec 22, 2022
M Santosh DoraRuby: pass by-value or pass by- referenceIt ain’t just what you say [content], it’s the way that you say it [form] . — Gordon Rugg and Marian PetreJun 17, 2021
Khyati JhaHow and why to write useful commit messagesIf you are reading this article I assume, you already know git and understand that we can not make a commit without a commit message. And…Oct 29, 2022Oct 29, 2022
Reeta SinghTop 3 Qualities a Software Engineer Should have other than ProgrammingCommunicate and Collaborate effectivelyJun 19, 2022Jun 19, 2022
InBetterProgrammerzbyOmega JoctanMy Biggest Regrets as a Self-taught Programmer.I write this so that newbies or experienced developers do not make the same silly mistakes I made in my career.Nov 22, 20211Nov 22, 20211
Maciej Ciszek#cleancodematters — chapter IClean your damn code! Why should I really care?Dec 22, 2022
M Santosh DoraRuby: pass by-value or pass by- referenceIt ain’t just what you say [content], it’s the way that you say it [form] . — Gordon Rugg and Marian PetreJun 17, 2021
Khyati JhaHow and why to write useful commit messagesIf you are reading this article I assume, you already know git and understand that we can not make a commit without a commit message. And…Oct 29, 2022
Reeta SinghTop 3 Qualities a Software Engineer Should have other than ProgrammingCommunicate and Collaborate effectivelyJun 19, 2022
InBetterProgrammerzbyOmega JoctanMy Biggest Regrets as a Self-taught Programmer.I write this so that newbies or experienced developers do not make the same silly mistakes I made in my career.Nov 22, 20211
Dyary RaoofWhat are 3 pieces of advice that you would give someone who’s just beginning their journey with…Einstein once said: “It’s not that I’m smart. It’s just that I stay with the problems longer”.Nov 5, 2021
Andres RealesCan JavasScript Object Keys Be Numbers or Non-string Values?For those who have worked with JavaScript for a while, you will understand there are behaviors about the JS leading to misleading interpr…Aug 25, 2021
Alexandre DauboisWhy PHP finally makes you a (more) rigorous developerRecent developments of PHP language are making the language more demanding, for the better of everybody.Jun 7, 2021