StackswapBiweekly Report [1H October 2022](Disclaimer: The contents are subject to change without prior notice, and under no circumstances can it be used as evidence of legal…Oct 24, 2022
I Love Black People by BillMariBlack Investment ClubsLimited political influence and relative poverty of the African American Community is closely related to its limited ownership of wealth…Jun 14, 20181
I Love Black People by BillMariAfrica’s Development Before Coming of Europeans in 1500Studies on early African history are lacking for many reasons, the most obvious being that African history was for a long time considered…Dec 14, 2018Dec 14, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariBases of PowerFor social power to be exercised effectively the power holder must posses or control some important or valued material or social resources…Apr 11, 2018Apr 11, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariQuestions on Africa’s Development or Underdevelopment?Man has always exploited his natural environment in order to make a living. At a certain point in time, there also arose the exploitation…Nov 30, 2018Nov 30, 2018
StackswapBiweekly Report [1H October 2022](Disclaimer: The contents are subject to change without prior notice, and under no circumstances can it be used as evidence of legal…Oct 24, 2022
I Love Black People by BillMariBlack Investment ClubsLimited political influence and relative poverty of the African American Community is closely related to its limited ownership of wealth…Jun 14, 20181
I Love Black People by BillMariAfrica’s Development Before Coming of Europeans in 1500Studies on early African history are lacking for many reasons, the most obvious being that African history was for a long time considered…Dec 14, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariBases of PowerFor social power to be exercised effectively the power holder must posses or control some important or valued material or social resources…Apr 11, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariQuestions on Africa’s Development or Underdevelopment?Man has always exploited his natural environment in order to make a living. At a certain point in time, there also arose the exploitation…Nov 30, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariBitMari to Launch Smart Farm Contracts to Aid in Agricultural Funding in AfricaBitcoin Company Onboarding Blockchain Experts for Final PhaseMay 9, 2018
I Love Black People by BillMariLeadership Crisis In Black CommunitiesThe primary source of the host of problems which plague the Black community is powerlessness. African communities home or abroad are…Jun 26, 2018