Elizabeth SmithMy history of investmentsThe experience I’m going to tell you I hope you like and those who wish also join in improving your income, it was something that of the…Dec 19, 2019
UNDP Alternative Finance LabUNDPCrowd — a New Kid on the Block?About: Blockchain, Bitnation Date: 19 December 2015Nov 23, 2018
irene blessingThe two foremost applications of Bitnation.About 300 million years ago, the people in the world lived on one supercontinent, speaking the same language, with no form of government…Nov 22, 2018Nov 22, 2018
Onyeli YohanA review of Bitnation Governance 2.0 with its founded Pangea softwareBitnationrefers to the world’s first Decentralised Borderless Voluntary Nation(DBVN). The organization was officially launched by Susanne…Nov 12, 2018Nov 12, 2018
Tetsuo Kaneda AkiraFreeing Julian Assange by Blockchain Jurisdiction as an Exercise of Self-DeterminationI hope someone will contact both the Ecuadorian and Latvian Bitnation Pangea Ambassadors and Susanne herself to inform everyone that I’ve…Nov 1, 2018Nov 1, 2018
Elizabeth SmithMy history of investmentsThe experience I’m going to tell you I hope you like and those who wish also join in improving your income, it was something that of the…Dec 19, 2019
UNDP Alternative Finance LabUNDPCrowd — a New Kid on the Block?About: Blockchain, Bitnation Date: 19 December 2015Nov 23, 2018
irene blessingThe two foremost applications of Bitnation.About 300 million years ago, the people in the world lived on one supercontinent, speaking the same language, with no form of government…Nov 22, 2018
Onyeli YohanA review of Bitnation Governance 2.0 with its founded Pangea softwareBitnationrefers to the world’s first Decentralised Borderless Voluntary Nation(DBVN). The organization was officially launched by Susanne…Nov 12, 2018
Tetsuo Kaneda AkiraFreeing Julian Assange by Blockchain Jurisdiction as an Exercise of Self-DeterminationI hope someone will contact both the Ecuadorian and Latvian Bitnation Pangea Ambassadors and Susanne herself to inform everyone that I’ve…Nov 1, 2018
InLATOKENbyLATOKENUPDATE: LATOKEN in TOP 50, Upcoming Event in Vietnam & New ListingsHere are our weekly updates:Jul 6, 2018
AnitaImagine a world where people can freely choose their preferable political & legal status!Bitnation-Pangea: our global citizenship is here and real — Nations & JurisdictionsApr 10, 2018