Ciji Shippley: Visual Brand StrategistJargons Lack Clarity And Should Be Avoided When Communicating“Now understand, knowing who your ideal clients are, there is a time and place for jargon”?Apr 18
KamogeloDeciphering the Visual and Verbal Language of Estée Lauder’s Brand Identity(Estée Lauder Companies | My Shade, My Story, n.d.)Mar 26
Ragini SabharwalMICROCOPY: How Language & Text Shape Your User ExperienceI recently read a book called Microcopy: The Complete Guide by Kinneret Yifrah. This book has been a guide that has revolutionized the way…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
InGrafikLanguagebyAaron FicklingBrand Language and Storytelling in the time of COVID-19The first time we saw someone quip that an author should write ‘Love in the Time of Covid’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, we cringed.Apr 15, 2020Apr 15, 2020
InThe StartupbyDan SingerWriting Branded Content Doesn’t Need to be Boring(For you or your audience)Mar 12, 2020Mar 12, 2020
Ciji Shippley: Visual Brand StrategistJargons Lack Clarity And Should Be Avoided When Communicating“Now understand, knowing who your ideal clients are, there is a time and place for jargon”?Apr 18
KamogeloDeciphering the Visual and Verbal Language of Estée Lauder’s Brand Identity(Estée Lauder Companies | My Shade, My Story, n.d.)Mar 26
Ragini SabharwalMICROCOPY: How Language & Text Shape Your User ExperienceI recently read a book called Microcopy: The Complete Guide by Kinneret Yifrah. This book has been a guide that has revolutionized the way…May 2, 2020
InGrafikLanguagebyAaron FicklingBrand Language and Storytelling in the time of COVID-19The first time we saw someone quip that an author should write ‘Love in the Time of Covid’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, we cringed.Apr 15, 2020
InThe StartupbyDan SingerWriting Branded Content Doesn’t Need to be Boring(For you or your audience)Mar 12, 2020
Himani SrivastavaHow Brands ‘Talk’: Brand Languages“I don’t know the rules of grammar. If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use…Sep 9, 2019
Rachel PintarelliWhat is Your Brand Voice Bringing to the Party?Today we are going to take a deep-dive, head-first plunge into the party world of Brand Voice. Yes, you read that right. For today, I’m…May 22, 2019
Ellen de VriesThank you to the team at ClearleftIt’s time to refocus. I’m still a Content Strategist, but I’m using my strategy skills to work with emerging brands. I love facilitating…Mar 28, 20191