Aniket TapreLessons from “Built to Last” and “Good to Great”Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is akin to setting sail on an odyssey, filled with trials, triumphs, and unforeseen…Feb 20
Aswand CruickshankBuild a Clock, Instead of Telling TimeI was. Once again tuned into another outstanding episode of the Work On Your Game Podcast, Hosted by a mentor of mine, named “Dre Baldwin.”…Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
Aniket TapreUnveiling the Enduring Blueprint: “Build to Last” in a Smart and Captivating LightIn the vast realm of business literature, there are books that come and go, destined to fade into obscurity like forgotten relics. But…Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
Aniket TapreLessons from “Built to Last” and “Good to Great”Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is akin to setting sail on an odyssey, filled with trials, triumphs, and unforeseen…Feb 20
Aswand CruickshankBuild a Clock, Instead of Telling TimeI was. Once again tuned into another outstanding episode of the Work On Your Game Podcast, Hosted by a mentor of mine, named “Dre Baldwin.”…Dec 19, 2023
Aniket TapreUnveiling the Enduring Blueprint: “Build to Last” in a Smart and Captivating LightIn the vast realm of business literature, there are books that come and go, destined to fade into obscurity like forgotten relics. But…Aug 2, 2023
Pedro Robledo#GuruBIO: Jim Collins: “A company’s ability to execute its strategy depends entirely on its ability…Jim Collins (b.25/01/1958-) is a Socratic advisor to leaders in the business and social sectors, with more than 25 years dedicated to…Jan 26, 2023
InDigitalshelfbyFran DuránBuilt to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companiesby Jim Collins and Jerry PorrasJan 10, 2023
VlatcevipBuilt to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins and Jerry I. PorrasDec 19, 2022