Maureen MurphyMore from PANDEMIC ANIMALIA: Midweek Picnic With Oliver The Silencing OwlI don’t know about you, but I find killjoys a bummer. Happy Juneteenth!Jun 191
FlyingloveartsMissed my shot (Bummer warning)This is more of a vent so if you are in a really good mood and don’t want me to mope you down, don’t read.Mar 15, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyWaking Up OwlsDaily Battles: Being HappyWhat makes you happy vs what makes you distractedMar 1, 20221Mar 1, 20221
Maureen MurphyMore from PANDEMIC ANIMALIA: Midweek Picnic With Oliver The Silencing OwlI don’t know about you, but I find killjoys a bummer. Happy Juneteenth!Jun 191
FlyingloveartsMissed my shot (Bummer warning)This is more of a vent so if you are in a really good mood and don’t want me to mope you down, don’t read.Mar 15, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyWaking Up OwlsDaily Battles: Being HappyWhat makes you happy vs what makes you distractedMar 1, 20221
Injourney to rustbyGeorge ShuklinType safety. Is it?I’m in the middle of heated debug, and this my snippet:May 7, 20191
Sophie Benshitta MavenWill You Succeed or Will You Fail in Internet Marketing or pretty much any other endeavor?Jan 13, 2018