JesusAguiarBundlr + Arweave + NextJS: Permanent and Decentralized StorageBlockchain technology has had a major impact on data storage and access. Arweave, a decentralized data storage platform built on…Feb 14, 2023
InIrys (previously Bundlr)byCaylin LoBundlr Network 101: How does Bundlr work?Bundlr Network enables fast, multichain support for Arweave, the only decentralized data chain where data is stored permanently. Bundlr…Mar 22, 2022
InCoinmonksbyGraphtronautsWhy Decentralization MattersIn this article we want to outline three reasons about why decentralization is really something that can improve our lives.Oct 16, 2022Oct 16, 2022
IneverVisionbyAna RomainArweave’s first meet with the Asian crypto community on 27th SeptemberOrganized by in association with everFinance, Arweave in Asia 2022 will be held on September 27th at The Arts House, the former…Sep 15, 2022Sep 15, 2022
С_arme_rGuide to Aptos on Bundlr DevnetHi all. Here is Charmer#7797, today I will describe step by step how to make a Bundlr vault testnet using a Petra wallet.Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
JesusAguiarBundlr + Arweave + NextJS: Permanent and Decentralized StorageBlockchain technology has had a major impact on data storage and access. Arweave, a decentralized data storage platform built on…Feb 14, 2023
InIrys (previously Bundlr)byCaylin LoBundlr Network 101: How does Bundlr work?Bundlr Network enables fast, multichain support for Arweave, the only decentralized data chain where data is stored permanently. Bundlr…Mar 22, 2022
InCoinmonksbyGraphtronautsWhy Decentralization MattersIn this article we want to outline three reasons about why decentralization is really something that can improve our lives.Oct 16, 2022
IneverVisionbyAna RomainArweave’s first meet with the Asian crypto community on 27th SeptemberOrganized by in association with everFinance, Arweave in Asia 2022 will be held on September 27th at The Arts House, the former…Sep 15, 2022
С_arme_rGuide to Aptos on Bundlr DevnetHi all. Here is Charmer#7797, today I will describe step by step how to make a Bundlr vault testnet using a Petra wallet.Oct 14, 2022
InIrys (previously Bundlr)byCaylin LoComparing data storage on Arweave via Bundlr to IPFS and AWSWhen it comes to storing your data, what you choose matters. While options may have been limited just a few years ago, today developers can…Mar 9, 2022
InIrys (previously Bundlr)byCaylin LoMetaplex integrates Irys to ensure permanent, decentralized storage for NFTs minted and hosted on…We are thrilled to announce that Metaplex has integrated Irys to ensure that NFTs minted and hosted on Metaplex are stored permanently on…Jul 21, 20221