Romell AvendañoAgile Tools or Agile Culture? What Really MattersHaving a hammer at home doesn’t make you a carpenter.5d ago
InThe Pragmatic ProgrammersbyStaffan NötebergThe ‘Guiding Star OKRs’ Approach to Strategic AgilityWhy complex organizations need a new type of goal to foster self-organization and resilience.Nov 223
Hrishikesh KarekarIs the party over for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches?Why are companies rethinking Agile Roles? A perspective based on insights from the trenches.Apr 943Apr 943
Hudson - Agile-LeadsDecoding Agile & Digital TransformationAgile is increasingly adopted across organisations in the GCC region, expanding well beyond software development. Yet, terms like Agile…Nov 28Nov 28
Hrishikesh KarekarHow Can the Fall of Agile Guide Us in Navigating Gen AI?Agile’s decline is a natural evolution, not a failure. Organizations are maturing, shifting from rigid Agile frameworks to a fluid…Jun 171Jun 171
Romell AvendañoAgile Tools or Agile Culture? What Really MattersHaving a hammer at home doesn’t make you a carpenter.5d ago
InThe Pragmatic ProgrammersbyStaffan NötebergThe ‘Guiding Star OKRs’ Approach to Strategic AgilityWhy complex organizations need a new type of goal to foster self-organization and resilience.Nov 223
Hrishikesh KarekarIs the party over for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches?Why are companies rethinking Agile Roles? A perspective based on insights from the trenches.Apr 943
Hudson - Agile-LeadsDecoding Agile & Digital TransformationAgile is increasingly adopted across organisations in the GCC region, expanding well beyond software development. Yet, terms like Agile…Nov 28
Hrishikesh KarekarHow Can the Fall of Agile Guide Us in Navigating Gen AI?Agile’s decline is a natural evolution, not a failure. Organizations are maturing, shifting from rigid Agile frameworks to a fluid…Jun 171
Vishal PrasadLet Agile Die — Gracefully.Let Agile die gracefully. Evolution in methods outpaces debates on Agile’s survival. Focus on outcomes, not labels.Nov 24
Alexander HiltonEmbracing the Agile Spirit: Lesson from Airbnb’s Product Management Shake-UpChange is the only constant… Agile practitioners and Product Owners, who are at the helm of steering these changes, often find themselves…Jun 30, 2023
Hudson - Agile-LeadsBusiness Agility Isn’t Just for IT: A Whole-Organisation Approach — Agile-LeadsAgile-Leads has partnered with Agility Arabia to explore how agile ways of working are expanding beyond IT teams. With extensive…Nov 7