Alison KilianWriting a Book as a Legacy PieceIn business book writing, there’s a lot of talk about using books to generate leads or boost a brand. But a book can also have a very…Nov 22
Barbara GrasseyCrafting Your Marketing MessageI admit I’m biased, but authoring a book gives you a LOT of room to get your marketing message across.Jul 3
Sarah Kate IshiiBeen Told You Need to Write a Book for Your Business?Here’s How to Start Without Throwing Your Laptop Out the Window!Nov 6Nov 6
Barbara GrasseyThe Power of Book Bundles for Your Nonfiction BooksBundle Your Books for More Sales and ReachJun 27Jun 27
Sharlrita DeloatchHow to Write a Book When You Have No Time to WriteI list a few strategies to help you out!Apr 131Apr 131
Alison KilianWriting a Book as a Legacy PieceIn business book writing, there’s a lot of talk about using books to generate leads or boost a brand. But a book can also have a very…Nov 22
Barbara GrasseyCrafting Your Marketing MessageI admit I’m biased, but authoring a book gives you a LOT of room to get your marketing message across.Jul 3
Sarah Kate IshiiBeen Told You Need to Write a Book for Your Business?Here’s How to Start Without Throwing Your Laptop Out the Window!Nov 6
Barbara GrasseyThe Power of Book Bundles for Your Nonfiction BooksBundle Your Books for More Sales and ReachJun 27
Sharlrita DeloatchHow to Write a Book When You Have No Time to WriteI list a few strategies to help you out!Apr 131
Safaraz Ali (Saf)Canny Bites Business Books — a smarter way to gain valuable insights and knowledge in a convenient…The Canny CEO is the working title of the next book and it is being aimed to be a book that could provide valuable insights and advice…Jan 17, 2023
SHIRLEYBook Review Warriors Workers Whiners And WeaselsWe all know a Weasel. You know, that person that threatens to take down your organization by using every sleazy tactic in the book to…Jan 14, 2023