InThe Daily CuppabyBarb DaltonBooboo Made Himself At Home in a Flash!From gobbling up his sedative to sitting quietly in his cage the entire 7-hour journey from Montréal to Toronto, Booboo was a rockstar…Oct 1414
InCatnessbyC. M. BarrettDo Not Go Gentle Into That Cat BoxRage, rage against the closing of the locks (with apologies to Dylan Thomas)Jun 44Jun 44
Frania Shelley-GrielenStress free approaches for getting your cat in the carrierAs a general rule your cat, being the highly territorial creature that a cat is, would prefer staying home to traveling whether to a new…Mar 6, 2020Mar 6, 2020
InKatzenworldbyMarc-André Runcie-UngerA Great Trick for Getting Kitty Into her CarrierJun 13, 2018Jun 13, 2018
InThe Daily CuppabyBarb DaltonBooboo Made Himself At Home in a Flash!From gobbling up his sedative to sitting quietly in his cage the entire 7-hour journey from Montréal to Toronto, Booboo was a rockstar…Oct 1414
InCatnessbyC. M. BarrettDo Not Go Gentle Into That Cat BoxRage, rage against the closing of the locks (with apologies to Dylan Thomas)Jun 44
Frania Shelley-GrielenStress free approaches for getting your cat in the carrierAs a general rule your cat, being the highly territorial creature that a cat is, would prefer staying home to traveling whether to a new…Mar 6, 2020