TealswapUnlocking Expanded Tealswap Utility Through Bridge integrationHello Tealswap users, We would like to introduce the next milestone prepared by Tealswap.Sep 18, 2023
MetaMaxMetaMax has now listed Celer cBridgeWe’re excited to share that MetaMax has now listed Celer cBridge. cBridge is a multi-chain, cross-layer asset bridge offering instant…Jun 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023
InThe Astar Bulletin | TABbybaoMultichainThis newsletter will be distributed weekly based on the concept of “an easy weekend recap” of the happenings at Astar Network.Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
UnizenUnizen (ZCX) enters a strategic partnership with Celer NetworkThe team at Unizen, operating the Web3 ecosystem found at unizen.io, are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with the team at Celer…Apr 11, 2023Apr 11, 2023
TealswapUnlocking Expanded Tealswap Utility Through Bridge integrationHello Tealswap users, We would like to introduce the next milestone prepared by Tealswap.Sep 18, 2023
MetaMaxMetaMax has now listed Celer cBridgeWe’re excited to share that MetaMax has now listed Celer cBridge. cBridge is a multi-chain, cross-layer asset bridge offering instant…Jun 22, 2023
InThe Astar Bulletin | TABbybaoMultichainThis newsletter will be distributed weekly based on the concept of “an easy weekend recap” of the happenings at Astar Network.Apr 28, 2023
UnizenUnizen (ZCX) enters a strategic partnership with Celer NetworkThe team at Unizen, operating the Web3 ecosystem found at unizen.io, are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with the team at Celer…Apr 11, 2023
InsunflowercorporationbySunflower CorporationWhat are cross-chain bridges?Decentralized applications that allow the transfer of the same asset across multiple blockchains. Do you want to learn more? Let’s go!Jun 27, 2022
un.Block NewsletterCross-chain Bridge OverviewSpecial thanks to Dominator008@Celer, Outprog.eth@everFinance, Zhixiong Pan.May 25, 2022