InGood Vibes ClubbyAngela Treat LyonPracticeI discovered that practice meant giving up trying to achieve perfection. What it really gave me was a calm, quiet belly.May 43
seda dirikerCenter the ‘DIV’ element in the HTML document.The <div> element, which is commonly used for organizing and styling content in HTML documents, serves as a fundamental building block in…Feb 21Feb 21
tinalear“Centered” saved me.From unending overwhelm to the quiet realm of “Done.”Mar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
InGood Vibes ClubbyAngela Treat LyonPracticeI discovered that practice meant giving up trying to achieve perfection. What it really gave me was a calm, quiet belly.May 43
seda dirikerCenter the ‘DIV’ element in the HTML document.The <div> element, which is commonly used for organizing and styling content in HTML documents, serves as a fundamental building block in…Feb 21
InIndependence DaybyD.D. DwaseHow To Be Centered And Balanced In LifeAccept who you are right now and know that you are exactly where you need to be.Jan 17, 2023
Holden QiGongWhat Does it Mean to “Be Centered?”What does it mean to be centered? In Qi Gong terms, it signifies having energy in the center of the body. The center is called Dan Tian…May 11, 2022
aNumak & CompanyTransition from Model–Centered Approach to Data–Centric ApproachGoogle researchers found that data cascades “triggered by traditional Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) practices that…Feb 9, 2022