D. Nkwetato TamonkiaChapter 5. Amanda or Patricia?English says a dilemma is when you have to choose between unfavorable or undesirable options. What if both options are favorable and…Sep 204
In1000shadesoflavenderbystarryeyed - stories from the heartLavender IndigoChapter 5 from 1000 Shades of Lavender.Sep 8Sep 8
InAdventures of SpeckbyTom MaglishSpeck: Chapter 5 — The EntryWhat goes on in your mind when faced with the reality of death looking you straight in the face? Will you cry? Will you fight? Or will you…May 24May 24
D. Nkwetato TamonkiaChapter 5. Amanda or Patricia?English says a dilemma is when you have to choose between unfavorable or undesirable options. What if both options are favorable and…Sep 204
In1000shadesoflavenderbystarryeyed - stories from the heartLavender IndigoChapter 5 from 1000 Shades of Lavender.Sep 8
InAdventures of SpeckbyTom MaglishSpeck: Chapter 5 — The EntryWhat goes on in your mind when faced with the reality of death looking you straight in the face? Will you cry? Will you fight? Or will you…May 24
chithu NishanthThe Last of Us: Chapter 5Marcus opens about his plan and Sian, despite his pride, find prudence.May 14, 2022
InRed SedanbyTom MaglishThe Red Sedan: Chapter 5 — Steve and BuddyOver the years, Steve and Buddy have been good friends. They’ve known each other since grade school. Their parents were close friends…Apr 27