Christopher ChierchioSmart Phone, Smart TravelsEveryone knows that phones are getting smarter every day — but do you know just how smart? While you are likely already making good use of…Jan 22, 2020
Christopher ChierchioHow to Prepare Your Home for Holiday TravelTraveling during the holidays can be exciting, but the thought of leaving your home alone for several days or even weeks can cause some…Jan 22, 2020Jan 22, 2020
Christopher ChierchioWhat is Fingertip Giving?Fingertip giving is an extremely new catchphrase or buzzword that is used to describe the new era of philanthropy. According to the…Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
Christopher ChierchioTips to Maximize Every Charitable DonationWhen charity work is being done there is often a need to maximize the donations. In order to do this, it helps to have a plan.Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
Christopher ChierchioSmart Phone, Smart TravelsEveryone knows that phones are getting smarter every day — but do you know just how smart? While you are likely already making good use of…Jan 22, 2020
Christopher ChierchioHow to Prepare Your Home for Holiday TravelTraveling during the holidays can be exciting, but the thought of leaving your home alone for several days or even weeks can cause some…Jan 22, 2020
Christopher ChierchioWhat is Fingertip Giving?Fingertip giving is an extremely new catchphrase or buzzword that is used to describe the new era of philanthropy. According to the…Jan 21, 2020
Christopher ChierchioTips to Maximize Every Charitable DonationWhen charity work is being done there is often a need to maximize the donations. In order to do this, it helps to have a plan.Jan 21, 2020
Christopher ChierchioTop Philanthropic Gifts of 2019Philanthropists have been known to give more to charity than most. Maybe that is because they had to struggle to get to where they are, so…Jan 21, 2020
Christopher ChierchioHow to Beat the Winter Blues in NYCThe first snowfall is a magical time, snow angels should be part of every childhood, and snowball fights are a must. New York winter…Dec 31, 2019
Christopher ChierchioHow to Survive Your Vacation to NYC: Tips from a Local Pt. 2Even travelers who like to have a relaxed itinerary need to make some preparations before a trip to New York City to maximize their trip…Dec 31, 2019