Mark GuzdialLearning to Program Matters for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students in the Age of AIChatGPT is dramatically impacting CS education, but learning to program still matters in liberal arts and sciences. The reasons that…Jul 31
Clemence Debaig [Demzou Art]New media art, redefining the role of curators and artists [Research & Theory]New models, new ways of exposing or distributing the works and new exhibiting spaces, physical and virtual, new types of collaborationsMar 30, 2019Mar 30, 2019
Dorit GeifmanElementary Cellular Automata : complexity rooted in simple rulesEven from very simple programs behavior of great complexity could emergeJun 17Jun 17
Mark GuzdialLearning to Program Matters for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students in the Age of AIChatGPT is dramatically impacting CS education, but learning to program still matters in liberal arts and sciences. The reasons that…Jul 31
Clemence Debaig [Demzou Art]New media art, redefining the role of curators and artists [Research & Theory]New models, new ways of exposing or distributing the works and new exhibiting spaces, physical and virtual, new types of collaborationsMar 30, 2019
Dorit GeifmanElementary Cellular Automata : complexity rooted in simple rulesEven from very simple programs behavior of great complexity could emergeJun 17
InTowards Data SciencebybarrysmythToo Simple to SolveA Visual Exploration of the Data of the Collatz ConjectureApr 19, 20222
Dorit GeifmanCellular Automata: Self-reproduction of Order and BeautyScience, as well as technology, will in the near and in the farther future increasingly turn from problems of intensity, substance, and…Jun 8