CharlesInfurnaCompliments Go A Long WayQuick question for everyone, and be honest with yourself-how many positive compliments/affirmations did you receive yesterday? Okay, maybe…Jan 22, 2018
InThe Quintessential QbyMatthew QuerzoliConvoluted Compliments #21The Swear WordsJun 15, 2017Jun 15, 2017
InThe Quintessential QbyMatthew QuerzoliConvoluted Compliments #20The “Hitting-1000-Followers”Jun 2, 20171Jun 2, 20171
InThe Quintessential QbyMatthew QuerzoliConvoluted Compliments #19The Gummy BearsMay 10, 2017May 10, 2017
CharlesInfurnaCompliments Go A Long WayQuick question for everyone, and be honest with yourself-how many positive compliments/affirmations did you receive yesterday? Okay, maybe…Jan 22, 2018
InThe Quintessential QbyMatthew QuerzoliConvoluted Compliments #20The “Hitting-1000-Followers”Jun 2, 20171