aajkaakhbaarThe Benefits of Banking Your Baby’s Cord Blood: What Every Parent Should KnowParents, you may be surprised to learn that your baby’s umbilical cord blood is a valuable resource.Jan 17, 2023
InGenerate Life SciencesbyGenerate Life SciencesA Childhood Leukemia Survivor Gives Back to His CommunityWhen Colorado Deputy District Attorney Keegan Doheney thinks back on his childhood bout with leukemia, he can’t remember a time when he…Nov 1, 2021
InGenerate Life SciencesbyJaime Shamonki, M.D.Banking on umbilical cords for the next generation of stem cell therapyThe placenta and umbilical cord is a complex and powerful organJul 2, 2021Jul 2, 2021
InGenerate Life SciencesbyGenerate Life SciencesUpdates from a Transplant Recipient: Paying it ForwardTo hear UCLA junior Carol Mulumba speak about her plans for a career as a physician, it’s easy to be touched by her optimism and youthful…Jul 1, 2021Jul 1, 2021
InFind Me CurebyNelly KatsarovaCord Blood Can Save Lives: Here’s What You Need To KnowWe celebrate health awareness days and months dedicated to spreading the word about a disease or a possible new solution because we at…Jul 3, 2019Jul 3, 2019
aajkaakhbaarThe Benefits of Banking Your Baby’s Cord Blood: What Every Parent Should KnowParents, you may be surprised to learn that your baby’s umbilical cord blood is a valuable resource.Jan 17, 2023
InGenerate Life SciencesbyGenerate Life SciencesA Childhood Leukemia Survivor Gives Back to His CommunityWhen Colorado Deputy District Attorney Keegan Doheney thinks back on his childhood bout with leukemia, he can’t remember a time when he…Nov 1, 2021
InGenerate Life SciencesbyJaime Shamonki, M.D.Banking on umbilical cords for the next generation of stem cell therapyThe placenta and umbilical cord is a complex and powerful organJul 2, 2021
InGenerate Life SciencesbyGenerate Life SciencesUpdates from a Transplant Recipient: Paying it ForwardTo hear UCLA junior Carol Mulumba speak about her plans for a career as a physician, it’s easy to be touched by her optimism and youthful…Jul 1, 2021
InFind Me CurebyNelly KatsarovaCord Blood Can Save Lives: Here’s What You Need To KnowWe celebrate health awareness days and months dedicated to spreading the word about a disease or a possible new solution because we at…Jul 3, 2019
Damien BovelanderClamping the Umbilical Cord for Full Term Babies — A DebateWith so many researches and speculations around, it’s gradually becoming a critical point to decide when to clamp the umbilical cord after…Jan 13, 2019
Damien BovelanderResearchers Find Infant’s Cells Alive in the Mothers’ BrainsThe bond between a child and a mother is unavoidable, both emotionally and physiologically. New researches suggest that the bond is so…Dec 30, 2018
Damien BovelanderA Retrospective Analysis — The Impact of Cord Blood Banking Technologies on Clinical OutcomesBackground:Dec 29, 2018