Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — Launch at LastLaunch at Last! Our next opportunity finally arrived two weeks later. Having been through two “dress rehearsals,” we knew what to expect.Dec 18, 20241
Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — A scientific balloon launch from the center of the continent[This is a recollection of an event that occurred nearly 50 years ago presented here in a series of essays. While the story takes place…Dec 17, 20244
InTDS ArchivebyNicolas Coca, PhDRemoving Spikes from Raman Spectra with Anomaly DetectionWhitaker-Hayes algorithm in PythonNov 19, 2019Nov 19, 2019
Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — PreparationsInstrument Troubleshooting Cosmic ray instruments are complex and it seems there is always something that needs adjusting or fixing or…Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Dhruv Narayan SinghNo Computer is Safe.This article will explain how radioactive elements and energy rays from space can affect the data and settings on your computer.Sep 1, 2022Sep 1, 2022
Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — Launch at LastLaunch at Last! Our next opportunity finally arrived two weeks later. Having been through two “dress rehearsals,” we knew what to expect.Dec 18, 20241
Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — A scientific balloon launch from the center of the continent[This is a recollection of an event that occurred nearly 50 years ago presented here in a series of essays. While the story takes place…Dec 17, 20244
InTDS ArchivebyNicolas Coca, PhDRemoving Spikes from Raman Spectra with Anomaly DetectionWhitaker-Hayes algorithm in PythonNov 19, 2019
Thor OlsonLaunching CRISIS — PreparationsInstrument Troubleshooting Cosmic ray instruments are complex and it seems there is always something that needs adjusting or fixing or…Dec 18, 2024
Dhruv Narayan SinghNo Computer is Safe.This article will explain how radioactive elements and energy rays from space can affect the data and settings on your computer.Sep 1, 2022
InILLUMINATIONbyPratyush RajaureWhat Rains Down from the Stars?Have you ever wondered about the invisible forces that bombard our planet from outer space, silently streaming through the atmosphere and…Jun 16, 20241
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelThe simplest explanation for ultra-high-energy cosmic raysThe highest-energy particles could be a sign of new, unexpected physics. But the simplest, most mundane explanation is particularly…Dec 5, 20232
CrowlspaceOrigin of SapienceHumans experienced a brain expansion after they developed stone tools to augment their rather pitiful natural endowments. What provoked…Jun 2, 2024