Kia Orion ⚡Resistance As Opportunity“Art begins with resistance — at the point where resistance is overcome. No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor.”…Aug 31
Kia Orion ⚡You Earned It“Inspiration is a byproduct of hard work and consistent practice. It’s the result, not the cause.” ~Twyla TharpAug 28
InILLUMINATION’S MIRRORbyJill PawlikUnlocking Creativity: Lessons Learned Through Rick Rubin’sTimeless WisdomHarnessing the Wisdom to Unleash Your Authentic Creative Potential.Aug 103Aug 103
CLOS TeamDrill Genius: A Simulation TheoryA rubric where we give you creative tips for your photoshootsMay 12, 2023May 12, 2023
Kia Orion ⚡Resistance As Opportunity“Art begins with resistance — at the point where resistance is overcome. No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor.”…Aug 31
Kia Orion ⚡You Earned It“Inspiration is a byproduct of hard work and consistent practice. It’s the result, not the cause.” ~Twyla TharpAug 28
InILLUMINATION’S MIRRORbyJill PawlikUnlocking Creativity: Lessons Learned Through Rick Rubin’sTimeless WisdomHarnessing the Wisdom to Unleash Your Authentic Creative Potential.Aug 103
CLOS TeamDrill Genius: A Simulation TheoryA rubric where we give you creative tips for your photoshootsMay 12, 2023
AshFor: The Creatives Who Could Use a Boost Right NowTo learn something huge is, actually, really hard. It isn’t necessarily painful, but the feelings you experience when you’re growing out of…Sep 27, 20221
Jeannette MurrayHow to Keep the Creative Juices Flowing When You’re Struggling to Find InspirationIdeas are a dime a dozen, but the inspiration to turn them into reality is often much more difficult to come by. Here are some tips on how…Jun 7, 20221
Janie JurkovichOne Easy Way to Be More CreativeAs an author and spirit medium, I am asked, “How do you write a guided poem and what is it anyway?”Apr 9, 2022