Athena TepeTed Cruz, Really?Ted Cruz is what I consider a unique Senator. His premise and logic are astounding and sometimes hard to understand. Cruz is both hated and…Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023
Kellen SquireThe difference between acting tough and being toughWe need serious leaders in our country, ones who are tough enough to handle the challenges we have ahead.Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Athena TepeTed Cruz, Really?Ted Cruz is what I consider a unique Senator. His premise and logic are astounding and sometimes hard to understand. Cruz is both hated and…Mar 30, 2023
Kellen SquireThe difference between acting tough and being toughWe need serious leaders in our country, ones who are tough enough to handle the challenges we have ahead.Feb 28, 2022
InPolitically SpeakingbyJohn LewisAnd Now, the Views From the News..The Big Bird AttackWhat the heck is THIS?Nov 10, 20211
Ryan BanfillTHE FIRST RULE OF VACATIONS: EXPECT ALL HELL TO BREAK LOOSE!Advice for Sen. Ted Cruz: Time to Show, Not TellFeb 19, 2021