Scott Douglas JacobsenInterview with Alex Betsos — Co-Founder, KarmikScott Douglas Jacobsen: What is Karmik?Jul 10, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenThe Rave About Harm ReductionAccording to the VUE Weekly, talked about the ongoing and increasing drug misuse and associated crimes at raves.Jun 14, 2018Jun 14, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenPublic Support for the Harm Reduction Strategies for Opioids ModerateBy Scott Douglas JacobsenJun 13, 2018Jun 13, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenEden May Not Survive in VancouverThe Toronto Star reported on a cannabis dispensary in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. The dispensary runs an opioid substitution…Jun 9, 2018Jun 9, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenInterview with Alex Betsos — Co-Founder, KarmikScott Douglas Jacobsen: What is Karmik?Jul 10, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenThe Rave About Harm ReductionAccording to the VUE Weekly, talked about the ongoing and increasing drug misuse and associated crimes at raves.Jun 14, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenPublic Support for the Harm Reduction Strategies for Opioids ModerateBy Scott Douglas JacobsenJun 13, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenEden May Not Survive in VancouverThe Toronto Star reported on a cannabis dispensary in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. The dispensary runs an opioid substitution…Jun 9, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenSome Roadblocks to the Harm Reduction EffortsAccording to CBC News, the Kathleen Wynne Ontario government moved with some regulations. The changes in the regulations will make adult…Jun 5, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenAn Unsung Hero in the Midst of WindsorAccording to a short article from the Windsor Star, one frontline worker — among a class of people for whom I have a great deal of respect…May 30, 2018
Scott Douglas JacobsenHarm Reduction on Campuses in CanadaUniversity Affairs reported that the opioid crisis is across the country. It is in the universities and impacting postsecondary students…Apr 27, 2018