Ryan M HarrisonCVS Health: A broken customer experience in microcosmCVS Health’s broken business processes — across people, process and technology — hurt customers and the bottom line. CVS, be better.Dec 1, 2023
InThe StartupbyTzuHwan SeetUI/UX Tool: Personas and StoryboardingTo understand how groups of users interact with a product, UI/UX designers utilise two effective but relatively inexpensive tools —…Nov 1, 2019
Class Action Lawsuit U.S.CVS Lidocaine Lawsuit: False Advertising Exposed in $3.8M SettlementFind out if you’re eligible for a portion of the $3.8M lidocaine settlement levied against food & drug store giant CVS.Nov 14, 2023Nov 14, 2023
ldstephensHave a complaint about your CVS Pharmacy I do and so do pharmacists!CVS, the pharmacy chain, is facing dual discontent from its pharmacists and customers alike. Pharmacists employed by CVS have taken a…Oct 1, 20231Oct 1, 20231
InRead All About ItbyB A Little, M.Ed. - The Caffeinated WriterFDA sends warning to CVS, Walgreens, and other companies over unapproved eye productsThis year, multiple eye products were recalled for causing harm to people, including blindness, infections, and sometimes death.Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
Ryan M HarrisonCVS Health: A broken customer experience in microcosmCVS Health’s broken business processes — across people, process and technology — hurt customers and the bottom line. CVS, be better.Dec 1, 2023
InThe StartupbyTzuHwan SeetUI/UX Tool: Personas and StoryboardingTo understand how groups of users interact with a product, UI/UX designers utilise two effective but relatively inexpensive tools —…Nov 1, 2019
Class Action Lawsuit U.S.CVS Lidocaine Lawsuit: False Advertising Exposed in $3.8M SettlementFind out if you’re eligible for a portion of the $3.8M lidocaine settlement levied against food & drug store giant CVS.Nov 14, 2023
ldstephensHave a complaint about your CVS Pharmacy I do and so do pharmacists!CVS, the pharmacy chain, is facing dual discontent from its pharmacists and customers alike. Pharmacists employed by CVS have taken a…Oct 1, 20231
InRead All About ItbyB A Little, M.Ed. - The Caffeinated WriterFDA sends warning to CVS, Walgreens, and other companies over unapproved eye productsThis year, multiple eye products were recalled for causing harm to people, including blindness, infections, and sometimes death.Sep 14, 2023
OpenClassActions.comWhat is the CVS Pharmacy, Inc. Class Action Lawsuit About?A $3,800,000 class action lawsuit has been settled with CVS Pharmacy over allegations that some of its products were falsely advertised…Sep 10, 20231
Peter Van BurenOde to CVSAt some point in my later adulthood I came to realize what I thought of as my children’s precious childhood memories were actually my…Dec 12, 2021