Susan Vivian MangoldJuvenile Law Center’s 2022 Leadership Prize CelebrationOn May 12th, Juvenile Law Center’s Leadership Prize will celebrate the work of the 2022 Leadership Prize recipients and of Juvenile Law…Apr 25, 2022
Jenelsy LopezRacial & Gendered Experiences in the Prison SystemWould the Cyntoia Brown case have had a different outcome if she were a white woman or a black man?Mar 13, 2021
AllusiveA review of the Netflix show on Cyntoia Brown.A brief background- Cyntoia Brown was given up for adoption by her mother who admitted to drinking upto eight months into her pregnancy…Apr 29, 2020Apr 29, 2020
Susan Vivian MangoldJuvenile Law Center’s 2022 Leadership Prize CelebrationOn May 12th, Juvenile Law Center’s Leadership Prize will celebrate the work of the 2022 Leadership Prize recipients and of Juvenile Law…Apr 25, 2022
Jenelsy LopezRacial & Gendered Experiences in the Prison SystemWould the Cyntoia Brown case have had a different outcome if she were a white woman or a black man?Mar 13, 2021
AllusiveA review of the Netflix show on Cyntoia Brown.A brief background- Cyntoia Brown was given up for adoption by her mother who admitted to drinking upto eight months into her pregnancy…Apr 29, 2020
Olivia HardenCyntoia Brown’s story should not be turned into inspirational pornToday is the day that Cyntoia Brown was released from prison and I have… frankly a lot of feelings surrounding her release. On January 7…Aug 8, 2019
Andrea Christine PowellKarana Rising releases the following statement today after the release of sex trafficking survivor…Press Release, August 7, 2019Aug 7, 2019
CharliePeach🍑Cyntoia and Groveland Four all Overturned by “GOP” Gov’s yet Obama Refused to Pardon Marcus Garvey…In only a few days into 2019 two republican governors have granted clemency to Cyntoia Brown and pardoned the Groveland Four. Yet Obama…Jan 13, 20192