EvercityCarbon Footprint Italy and Evercity launched the first blockchain-based solution to store carbon…The online app utilizes public blockchain technology to store the information on carbon footprint of products and organizations in CO2…Jun 24, 2020
InRobonomics Network by AiralabbySergei LonshakovRobonomics Roadmap’2020In this publication I’d like to share plans that I consider important for the further development of Robonomics, and at the same time I’m…Jan 27, 2020
InRobonomics Network by AiralabbySergei LonshakovThe First in the Economy of RobotsThis publication provides a brief description of the configuration forms of Aira distributive, which are beginning to use the Robonomics…Jul 30, 2019Jul 30, 2019
DAO IPCITravel4Green project design completed to be launched in early 2019Travel4Green (T4G) project is about offsetting global tourism carbon footprint and sustaining indigenous forests in Papua New Guinea (PNG)…Feb 16, 2019Feb 16, 2019
Anton GalenovichPeer-to-peer transactions are possible and make senseThe primary axiom for trustless peer-to-peer systems, i.e. “Trust no one”, should not be interpreted solely as “one must trust no one”…Feb 2, 2019Feb 2, 2019
EvercityCarbon Footprint Italy and Evercity launched the first blockchain-based solution to store carbon…The online app utilizes public blockchain technology to store the information on carbon footprint of products and organizations in CO2…Jun 24, 2020
InRobonomics Network by AiralabbySergei LonshakovRobonomics Roadmap’2020In this publication I’d like to share plans that I consider important for the further development of Robonomics, and at the same time I’m…Jan 27, 2020
InRobonomics Network by AiralabbySergei LonshakovThe First in the Economy of RobotsThis publication provides a brief description of the configuration forms of Aira distributive, which are beginning to use the Robonomics…Jul 30, 2019
DAO IPCITravel4Green project design completed to be launched in early 2019Travel4Green (T4G) project is about offsetting global tourism carbon footprint and sustaining indigenous forests in Papua New Guinea (PNG)…Feb 16, 2019
Anton GalenovichPeer-to-peer transactions are possible and make senseThe primary axiom for trustless peer-to-peer systems, i.e. “Trust no one”, should not be interpreted solely as “one must trust no one”…Feb 2, 2019
InGood AudiencebyAnton GalenovichThird Party Fund in the Peer-to-Peer Transaction-based ModelAnton Galenovich, PhDJan 20, 2019
Anton GalenovichBlockchain Climate Standard (BloCS) 2.0Current version of BloCS is the most rigid voluntary climate change mitigation program both in terms of the requirement to provide…Dec 25, 2018
Anton GalenovichBlockchainization of Claims for Environmental DamagesEnvironmental damages, especially those related to global issues such as climate change, concern large number of people, sometimes the…Aug 3, 2018