Jason PuglisiCoaching Takeaways from the DEF CON 32 Vishing CompetitionAfter winning the DEF CON 31 Vishing Competition, I was invited back by Social Engineering Community to coach competitors the next year.Feb 17
InTheori BLOGbyTheori Security AssessmentWinning the AIxCC Qualification RoundIn August, Theori’s CTF team, as part of the Maple Mallard Magistrates, won Defcon CTF for the 3rd year in a row–the first team ever to do…Sep 24, 20241Sep 24, 20241
InAI Security HubbyTal EliyahuAttacks on Generative AI Data and Using Vector Encryption to Stop ThemJan 19Jan 19
Jason PuglisiCoaching Takeaways from the DEF CON 32 Vishing CompetitionAfter winning the DEF CON 31 Vishing Competition, I was invited back by Social Engineering Community to coach competitors the next year.Feb 17
InTheori BLOGbyTheori Security AssessmentWinning the AIxCC Qualification RoundIn August, Theori’s CTF team, as part of the Maple Mallard Magistrates, won Defcon CTF for the 3rd year in a row–the first team ever to do…Sep 24, 20241
InAI Security HubbyTal EliyahuAttacks on Generative AI Data and Using Vector Encryption to Stop ThemJan 19
Ozan UnalDefcon DFIR CTF 2019 WriteupThis article was prepared with the contribution of Adeo DFIR Team.Aug 25, 2019