Bob McInnisSocial MediaI am a consumer and producer of social media. I read, write, shoot, and listen to the positions, opinions, ideas, and meanderings of…Dec 24, 2018
Vivian EnnisIn SilenceListen to learn In silence discern Not through questions filled with doubt if you do you will find out what you are all aboutOct 27, 2018Oct 27, 2018
InLiving Un-EditedbyJulia CoplanSheddingIt’s time to begin discerning — what will help me create on the blank slate I’ve been gifted. And what is it time for me to shed?Oct 22, 2018Oct 22, 2018
Bob McInnisSocial MediaI am a consumer and producer of social media. I read, write, shoot, and listen to the positions, opinions, ideas, and meanderings of…Dec 24, 2018
Vivian EnnisIn SilenceListen to learn In silence discern Not through questions filled with doubt if you do you will find out what you are all aboutOct 27, 2018
InLiving Un-EditedbyJulia CoplanSheddingIt’s time to begin discerning — what will help me create on the blank slate I’ve been gifted. And what is it time for me to shed?Oct 22, 2018
Caryn RiswoldRevising a Life, Resting a ManuscriptLiving Revision came to me at just the wrong time for writing a thoughtful, considered and timely book review.Oct 16, 2018
Pastor Matthew BestDiscernmentThe world certainly needs love. Something that is in great need is discernment. Discernment is a nice theological term that essentially…Jul 2, 2018
Molly Morrissey5 things astrology most definitely isn’t — and what it actually is.Bad news: Knowing your astrological sign won’t help you decide whether to go on that date or not — Not even if you google your sign and…Jun 10, 2018