PilotOfthePastiOS 17 Update: How Siri Must Reinvent Itself to Challenge Google and Amazon in Home Automation…In the fast-paced world of technology, each new iOS update brings anticipation and excitement.Jun 9, 2023
Frederic MamathHow to run a Python project on Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266)To run a Python script on a Wemos D1 Mini using VSCode, you will need to follow these steps:Dec 20, 2022
Frederic MamathHow to create a HTTP server on a ESP8266 Wemos D1 Minihere is an example of a REST API for a Wemos D1 Mini with two endpoints for controlling a WS2812b LED strip:Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Diego CondoriHome Automation Treadmill BikeHello, this is my home automation project, the bicycle treadmill, this bicycle treadmill had a clock and a step counter at the beginning…Jan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
PilotOfthePastiOS 17 Update: How Siri Must Reinvent Itself to Challenge Google and Amazon in Home Automation…In the fast-paced world of technology, each new iOS update brings anticipation and excitement.Jun 9, 2023
Frederic MamathHow to run a Python project on Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266)To run a Python script on a Wemos D1 Mini using VSCode, you will need to follow these steps:Dec 20, 2022
Frederic MamathHow to create a HTTP server on a ESP8266 Wemos D1 Minihere is an example of a REST API for a Wemos D1 Mini with two endpoints for controlling a WS2812b LED strip:Dec 19, 2022
Diego CondoriHome Automation Treadmill BikeHello, this is my home automation project, the bicycle treadmill, this bicycle treadmill had a clock and a step counter at the beginning…Jan 16, 2022