Michael RomanWelcome to America Lite: The Christo-Fascist Nightmare of ‘Project 2025'America has boasted about its democratic values and its role as a global savior since forever. But now with Project 2025, America can relax…Jul 10
Fact Over Faction - D RamsayTrump’s Carnival of Chaos: From Con Man to Cult LeaderThe Great American Swindle: Trump’s Pre-POTUS Con JobsOct 27Oct 27
Chris LaureysWhy no American should want to see Trump in an orange jumpsuitBut as an eventual criminal and civil defendant, he should be made to pay monetarily until it hurtsJul 30, 20222Jul 30, 20222
Daniel CobbAmerica must defend itself against the stunning depravity of Donald TrumpAs Americans, we have a nearly impossible time wrapping our heads around exactly who and what Trump is. His life is a continuous firehose…Oct 41Oct 41
Michael RomanWelcome to America Lite: The Christo-Fascist Nightmare of ‘Project 2025'America has boasted about its democratic values and its role as a global savior since forever. But now with Project 2025, America can relax…Jul 10
Fact Over Faction - D RamsayTrump’s Carnival of Chaos: From Con Man to Cult LeaderThe Great American Swindle: Trump’s Pre-POTUS Con JobsOct 27
Chris LaureysWhy no American should want to see Trump in an orange jumpsuitBut as an eventual criminal and civil defendant, he should be made to pay monetarily until it hurtsJul 30, 20222
Daniel CobbAmerica must defend itself against the stunning depravity of Donald TrumpAs Americans, we have a nearly impossible time wrapping our heads around exactly who and what Trump is. His life is a continuous firehose…Oct 41
G. W. SmikleThe Hidden Cost of Lies In Public SpacesLies are everywhere. They permeate both the halls of government and the boardrooms of corporations, but their effects are not equal. When…Sep 22
Greg GnallWhite Man Runs for PresidentThe U.S. Constitution has only three qualifications for the Office of President. You must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years of…Aug 4
Jose Feneque, DVM“Unifying Through Opposition: The Role of an Enemy in Cult Formation”How Cult Leaders Manipulate Fear and Division to Gain Power and Control.Jul 1