InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenBin it off — notesThis week i am inspired by my own catchphrase.Sep 24, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenMeme-notesThis week we are going all millennial and using Memes!Apr 8, 20211
InDigital DorsetbyHelen TimmsTaking a break, planes, trains and going liveweeknote #37 (17th September 21)Sep 17, 2021Sep 17, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenEmoji — NotesAs part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.Sep 17, 2021Sep 17, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenLil’ — notesSince i am not in most of this week its going to be short and sweet!Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenBin it off — notesThis week i am inspired by my own catchphrase.Sep 24, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenMeme-notesThis week we are going all millennial and using Memes!Apr 8, 20211
InDigital DorsetbyHelen TimmsTaking a break, planes, trains and going liveweeknote #37 (17th September 21)Sep 17, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenEmoji — NotesAs part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.Sep 17, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenLil’ — notesSince i am not in most of this week its going to be short and sweet!Sep 1, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenLesson — notesInstead of reflecting on specifics of what happened this week i am going to be talking about some of the lessons learnt.Aug 6, 2021
InDigital DorsetbySam McLarenWhat are we prattling on about?a lot of conversations this week has been around me communicating what Digital really means… So, I thought why not make a blog about it!May 21, 20211
Helen TimmsHumans are Made for LearningThis week was Learning at work week, what a great range of events there were to choose from. The themes were all centred around the ‘human’…May 21, 2021