InFiction ShortsbyNancy S RustA Key to DeceptionRWDrabble #2.0.065 Sip is the random word; the protagonist looks inside a locked diary.11h ago12
InThe Kraken LorebyRD WrenTantalus Seeks a Good MealThe gods cursed him with eternal hunger, but now he’s free to taste test all sorts of fictional foods… or is he?May 22, 202413
InThe Kraken LorebyErosia PotterThe Embrace of AdomaniaA Treble-Drabble Based on a Shift of Power.Dec 25, 202325Dec 25, 202325
InFiction ShortsbyRobin MSShe Screams for Ice CreamRWDrabble 2.0.058 — oblivious — maraschino cherryFeb 2721Feb 2721
InFiction ShortsbyNancy S RustA Key to DeceptionRWDrabble #2.0.065 Sip is the random word; the protagonist looks inside a locked diary.11h ago12
InThe Kraken LorebyRD WrenTantalus Seeks a Good MealThe gods cursed him with eternal hunger, but now he’s free to taste test all sorts of fictional foods… or is he?May 22, 202413
InThe Kraken LorebyErosia PotterThe Embrace of AdomaniaA Treble-Drabble Based on a Shift of Power.Dec 25, 202325
InFiction ShortsbyRobin MSShe Screams for Ice CreamRWDrabble 2.0.058 — oblivious — maraschino cherryFeb 2721