Amritesh… but what is — if __name__ == ‘__main__’It tells Python: “Only run this code if this file is being run directly, not when it’s being imported as a module.”Oct 23
Johni Douglas MarangonUsing __call__ method to invoke class instance as a functionIntroductionAug 23, 20221
VAISHNAVI SBUnlocking the Power of Python’s Dunder Methods: __repr__, __str__, and __format__In Python, the string representation of objects is crucial for debugging, logging, and providing meaningful output. This is achieved…Oct 20Oct 20
Amritesh… but what is — if __name__ == ‘__main__’It tells Python: “Only run this code if this file is being run directly, not when it’s being imported as a module.”Oct 23
Johni Douglas MarangonUsing __call__ method to invoke class instance as a functionIntroductionAug 23, 20221
VAISHNAVI SBUnlocking the Power of Python’s Dunder Methods: __repr__, __str__, and __format__In Python, the string representation of objects is crucial for debugging, logging, and providing meaningful output. This is achieved…Oct 20
Ankit LodhExploring Python’s Abstraction: Abstract Methods, Decorators, and Magic Methods DemystifiedIn this article, I will discuss and do an in-depth analysis of the Python abstract method. The motivation and the usefulness of the…Dec 16, 2023
Roopika JinThe PythoneersPython Dunders — How It Became a Blunder in My InterviewMake sure to know them to avoid the same mistake!Oct 61
Rahul BeniwalinLevel Up CodingDecoding Python Magic : __getstate__ and __setstate__Hello Everyone, Today let’s talk about serialization of Python objects.Apr 22