InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaFollowing Daily Reporting of the Briggs Pickin Hypnotic CaseMedical Experts Will Investigate the Eau Claire Hypnotic CaseMay 10
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaHypnotic Mysteries Unveiled: Exploring the Possibility of Hypnosis in Her StoryIf you need to catch up check out ‘Juvenile Svengalis’ and ‘Welcome to My Rabbit Hole Parts I, II, III, IV ,V ,VI , VII , VIII, IX ,X ,XI …Jan 261
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy Gilda1894 Hypnotic Case: A Glimpse into the Early Days of American Psychology1894 Hypnotic Case Sparks Early Psychology Interest in BostonFeb 272Feb 272
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaHow the abduction of two girls turned a Boom Town into a Hypnotism EpicenterThis is a sleuth series by a daughter and her mother looking into the disappearance of Byron Wadsworth Culver and the trial of Edna Mabel…Dec 14, 20236Dec 14, 20236
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaJudge’s Conduct in Briggs Case Raises Concerns: Prejudgment, Undisclosed Information, and BiasIf you need to catch up check out ‘Juvenile Svengalis’ and ‘Welcome to My Rabbit Hole Parts I, II, III, IV ,V ,VI , VII , VIII, IX ,X ,XI …Feb 26Feb 26
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaFollowing Daily Reporting of the Briggs Pickin Hypnotic CaseMedical Experts Will Investigate the Eau Claire Hypnotic CaseMay 10
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaHypnotic Mysteries Unveiled: Exploring the Possibility of Hypnosis in Her StoryIf you need to catch up check out ‘Juvenile Svengalis’ and ‘Welcome to My Rabbit Hole Parts I, II, III, IV ,V ,VI , VII , VIII, IX ,X ,XI …Jan 261
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy Gilda1894 Hypnotic Case: A Glimpse into the Early Days of American Psychology1894 Hypnotic Case Sparks Early Psychology Interest in BostonFeb 272
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaHow the abduction of two girls turned a Boom Town into a Hypnotism EpicenterThis is a sleuth series by a daughter and her mother looking into the disappearance of Byron Wadsworth Culver and the trial of Edna Mabel…Dec 14, 20236
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaJudge’s Conduct in Briggs Case Raises Concerns: Prejudgment, Undisclosed Information, and BiasIf you need to catch up check out ‘Juvenile Svengalis’ and ‘Welcome to My Rabbit Hole Parts I, II, III, IV ,V ,VI , VII , VIII, IX ,X ,XI …Feb 26
Laura BuchholzLast ResortThis week our city council passed an ordinance requiring people to wear masks in public indoor spaces. We already have a state mandate…Feb 4, 2021
InJuvenile SvengalisbyAmy GildaHow Hypnosis turned Police Chief Elliot from a Nay-sayer to a Neigh-saying Convert of the Hypnotic…If you need to catch up check out ‘Juvenile Svengalis’ and ‘Welcome to My Rabbit Hole Parts I, II, III, IV ,V ,VI , VII , VIII, IX ,X ,XI …Feb 12