TheEntertainmentCriticThe Vampire Diaries: S2E07 ‘Masquerade’ ReviewWhat a great and pivotal episode this was! Now let's start the dissection.Apr 10, 2021
Patrizia PoliThe Vampire DiariesAt the beginning of The Vampire Diaries, episodes taken from the series of books started by Lisa Jane Smith and continued by other authors…Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
TheEntertainmentCriticThe Vampire Diaries: S2E07 ‘Masquerade’ ReviewWhat a great and pivotal episode this was! Now let's start the dissection.Apr 10, 2021
Patrizia PoliThe Vampire DiariesAt the beginning of The Vampire Diaries, episodes taken from the series of books started by Lisa Jane Smith and continued by other authors…Sep 5, 2022
Black Public MediaWatch, Share and Vote for ‘Elena’The ‘AfroPoP’ film has qualified for the 2022 Academy AwardsNov 9, 2021
Elena ProtocolThe Most Important Thing for Algo StablecoinsIn Algorithmic Stablecoin, we have come such a long way to what we have achieved today. We tried to explore the different ways to create a…Apr 26, 2021
InGuideDocbyGuideDocElena, an artistic piece in the form of a documentaryAt first glance, “Elena” is the tale of a family tragedy caused by the impossibility of creating art; the impact of the “frustrated…Oct 7, 2016