Kayla Lynn CarrierCosmetic Testing On Animals.There’s about 26 million animals that are used yearly in the United Sates for scientific and also commercial testing. The animals are used…May 1, 2017
Sam HayesAnimals Behind BarsZoos are a major form of entertainment for children and adults alike. “Each year, over 175 million people visit zoological institutions…Apr 26, 2017
Angelina DuhonSaving Our AnimalsYou Should Not Killed Animals That Harmed HumansMay 2, 2017May 2, 2017
Claudia MadridFiend or FuriendsYou see their shadows lurking in dark allies or hear the pitter-patter of their feet within the walls of your home. Whether it’s from…May 2, 2017May 2, 2017
PrincessShould wild animals be used for entertainment at circus or zoos?Animals should not be kept in cages for the health and hygiene of both the human and the animal because, the cage becomes dirty and…Apr 30, 2017Apr 30, 2017
Kayla Lynn CarrierCosmetic Testing On Animals.There’s about 26 million animals that are used yearly in the United Sates for scientific and also commercial testing. The animals are used…May 1, 2017
Sam HayesAnimals Behind BarsZoos are a major form of entertainment for children and adults alike. “Each year, over 175 million people visit zoological institutions…Apr 26, 2017
Claudia MadridFiend or FuriendsYou see their shadows lurking in dark allies or hear the pitter-patter of their feet within the walls of your home. Whether it’s from…May 2, 2017
PrincessShould wild animals be used for entertainment at circus or zoos?Animals should not be kept in cages for the health and hygiene of both the human and the animal because, the cage becomes dirty and…Apr 30, 2017
MacKenzie WallaceBreeding At Its Finesta digital op-ed on the importance of spay and neutering by Mackenzie WallaceMay 2, 2017
Conor Waller JonesWolves: Vicious Killers? or Just Misunderstood?You don’t have to look far to see exactly how debated the topic of wolf hunting is. With many articles being titled in a way to…May 1, 2017
Payton CittyKilling Animals for Harming Humans is Morally WrongThere are many different opinions on this topic. All lot of people believe that it is right to kill animals if they have harmed a human…May 1, 2017