Reshaping WorkAhead of Commissioner hearings: What prospects for EU employment policy?by Klaus Heeger, Secretary General, European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions — CESIOct 29
InBrain LabsbyLinda MargaretResearch Funding and its LimitsAuctioning off paltry public resources to those already flush with private wealth makes sense in our world, but it restricts usSep 2916
InChamber of ProgressbyKay JebelliThe Hidden Reason Why Europe Has Turned Meta’s “Pay or Okay” into a Competition IssueEuropean Publishers to Meta: “Personalized ads for me but not for thee”Jun 28Jun 28
InIntegritee NetworkbyIntegritee NetworkCommon European Data Spaces: Fostering Data Innovation & Collaboration in the EUThe Common European Data Spaces is a European Union (EU) initiative to connect entrepreneurs, innovators, developers, and companies by…Aug 30Aug 30
Reshaping WorkAhead of Commissioner hearings: What prospects for EU employment policy?by Klaus Heeger, Secretary General, European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions — CESIOct 29
InBrain LabsbyLinda MargaretResearch Funding and its LimitsAuctioning off paltry public resources to those already flush with private wealth makes sense in our world, but it restricts usSep 2916
InChamber of ProgressbyKay JebelliThe Hidden Reason Why Europe Has Turned Meta’s “Pay or Okay” into a Competition IssueEuropean Publishers to Meta: “Personalized ads for me but not for thee”Jun 28
InIntegritee NetworkbyIntegritee NetworkCommon European Data Spaces: Fostering Data Innovation & Collaboration in the EUThe Common European Data Spaces is a European Union (EU) initiative to connect entrepreneurs, innovators, developers, and companies by…Aug 30
Надя КрокеваCorruption and Manipulation in Bulgaria: Only 5% of Traffic Accidents Linked to Alcohol and Drug…In Bulgaria, systemic corruption and a lack of transparency in governance have given rise to alarming practices, including the illegal…Oct 9
InBooks Are Our SuperpowerbyLinda MargaretAmerican Culture Abroad in Children’s Literature Trickles Down.Learning to negotiate and manage your expectations does have its limits.Sep 24