AKEvent Sourcing and CQRS: Building Scalable Systems Through Event-Driven ArchitectureAfter implementing event-driven systems for several high-scale financial and e-commerce platforms, I’ve discovered that the true power of…6d ago
Albert LlousasExploring event sourcing: A scalable bank accountHave you ever thought about implementing event sourcing? Can it be effectively applied in real-world applications? How does it integrate…Nov 1510
Sylvain TisetTop 10 Microservices Design Patterns you should knowEarlier I presented one useful design pattern to migrate to a monolithic application to microservices. This pattern is the Strangler Fig…Sep 1810Sep 1810
InITNEXTbyAnton StöcklUnraveling CQRS, Event Sourcing, and EDA — Part 3: Event-Driven ArchitectureThere’s a lot of confusion online about CQRS, Event Sourcing, and EDA — what they are, how they differ, and how they can work together (or…Dec 4Dec 4
The Java TrailMicroservice Distributed Transactions 101: Guide to Choose the Best StrategyYour application relies on multiple services, and maintaining data consistency across distributed transactions is crucial. How would you…Jan 274Jan 274
AKEvent Sourcing and CQRS: Building Scalable Systems Through Event-Driven ArchitectureAfter implementing event-driven systems for several high-scale financial and e-commerce platforms, I’ve discovered that the true power of…6d ago
Albert LlousasExploring event sourcing: A scalable bank accountHave you ever thought about implementing event sourcing? Can it be effectively applied in real-world applications? How does it integrate…Nov 1510
Sylvain TisetTop 10 Microservices Design Patterns you should knowEarlier I presented one useful design pattern to migrate to a monolithic application to microservices. This pattern is the Strangler Fig…Sep 1810
InITNEXTbyAnton StöcklUnraveling CQRS, Event Sourcing, and EDA — Part 3: Event-Driven ArchitectureThere’s a lot of confusion online about CQRS, Event Sourcing, and EDA — what they are, how they differ, and how they can work together (or…Dec 4
The Java TrailMicroservice Distributed Transactions 101: Guide to Choose the Best StrategyYour application relies on multiple services, and maintaining data consistency across distributed transactions is crucial. How would you…Jan 274
Inhprog99byHiten Pratap SinghA Comprehensive Guide to Implementing CQRS with Spring BootIn the ever-evolving landscape of software architecture, patterns like CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) have emerged to…Nov 142
Tony LuccaSharpino Internals. Inside a functional event-sourcing library. Part 3In the second part, we have seen the relationship between events and commands.Dec 5
InCodeNxbyChaitanya (Chey) PenmetsaImplement Mediator Pattern with MediatR in C#In this blog, we’ll explore the implementation of the mediator pattern in C#. To grasp the concept of the mediator pattern and its use…Feb 31