Md. Atikul HassanMastering Kotlin Extension Functions: A Deep DiveKotlin is a modern, statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is fully interoperable with Java…Nov 6
Md Mahadi HasanC# Extension MethodIn a C# project, you can set up extension methods to give some custom functionality to existing types without modifying their original…Nov 112
Aakash AgrawalDart’s Superpower: ExtensionsThink of extensions in Dart as a way to add extra abilities or “superpowers” to existing classes without changing them. This can make your…Oct 26Oct 26
Arslan ElahiCleaning Enum Code in C# with Enum Extension Methods and ReflectionEnums (short for enumerations) in C# are a powerful feature that allows you to define a set of named constants. While Enums are…Aug 7Aug 7
Catalin Barboianu, PhDAbstraction, generalization, and extension as methods of mathematicsMathematics is a discipline of the generality, of the invariant things, which do not change by interpretations, of the necessary; it is not…Oct 11Oct 11
Md. Atikul HassanMastering Kotlin Extension Functions: A Deep DiveKotlin is a modern, statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is fully interoperable with Java…Nov 6
Md Mahadi HasanC# Extension MethodIn a C# project, you can set up extension methods to give some custom functionality to existing types without modifying their original…Nov 112
Aakash AgrawalDart’s Superpower: ExtensionsThink of extensions in Dart as a way to add extra abilities or “superpowers” to existing classes without changing them. This can make your…Oct 26
Arslan ElahiCleaning Enum Code in C# with Enum Extension Methods and ReflectionEnums (short for enumerations) in C# are a powerful feature that allows you to define a set of named constants. While Enums are…Aug 7
Catalin Barboianu, PhDAbstraction, generalization, and extension as methods of mathematicsMathematics is a discipline of the generality, of the invariant things, which do not change by interpretations, of the necessary; it is not…Oct 11
Vinod PalExploring the Power of Extension Methods in .NET CoreIn the dynamic world of software development, programmers are always on the lookout for tools and techniques that can enhance their…Feb 3
Dusan VelimirovicLINQ Comprehensive Guide — Fluent SyntaxThe term “fluent syntax” in the context of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C# refers to a way of writing queries using a chain of…Aug 261
Matatias SitumorangUpdate Single Item in Flutter List — Dart Extension#5A very simple way to update your List data with extension method.Apr 18, 20231