Pham The AnhinInsiderFinance WireBoost Your Portfolio Performance with Factor InvestingFactor Investing targets specific return drivers to enhance portfolio performance. Explore key strategies and emerging trends.Aug 10
Yannis YuanFactor Investing with Machine LearningConstruct an equity long/short strategy using a factor model with machine learning estimatorsSep 29, 20231
Ankit GuptaMomentum Investing — Base PortfolioIn the previous article was all about the History of Momentum Investing in India, and how does it fare with other style factors. In this…Jul 24Jul 24
Kaichong WangA Deep-Learning-Based Technical Alpha FactorFor deep learning, we do not need to do feature engineering; the neural network learns the features for us!Apr 52Apr 52
Ankit GuptaMomentum Investing - Part 4 — Construction of a better PortfolioThis is the last article in the Momentum series. The first article, Momentum in India talked about how Momentum Investing has fared in…Jul 24Jul 24
Pham The AnhinInsiderFinance WireBoost Your Portfolio Performance with Factor InvestingFactor Investing targets specific return drivers to enhance portfolio performance. Explore key strategies and emerging trends.Aug 10
Yannis YuanFactor Investing with Machine LearningConstruct an equity long/short strategy using a factor model with machine learning estimatorsSep 29, 20231
Ankit GuptaMomentum Investing — Base PortfolioIn the previous article was all about the History of Momentum Investing in India, and how does it fare with other style factors. In this…Jul 24
Kaichong WangA Deep-Learning-Based Technical Alpha FactorFor deep learning, we do not need to do feature engineering; the neural network learns the features for us!Apr 52
Ankit GuptaMomentum Investing - Part 4 — Construction of a better PortfolioThis is the last article in the Momentum series. The first article, Momentum in India talked about how Momentum Investing has fared in…Jul 24
Ankit GuptaMomentum Investing - Part 3 — Risk Management and Portfolio ConstructionIn the last article, we analyzed risk and returns of prototype Momentum factors. There are a number of risks associated to investing in…Jul 24
Ankit GuptaFactor Investing in India — Part 1Factor Investing is not a new topic in the Investing world. Investment Managers, for long, have been extremely keen on factor based…Jul 24