InFinschiabyFinschiaPreparations for the Upcoming Kaia Chain Token SwapIn this guide, you’ll learn how to swap FNSA tokens on the Finschia chain for KAIA tokens on the Kaia chain ahead of the new chain launch.May 24
FinschiaFNSA Gas Fee SupportTo our valued FNSA holders, This is the Finschia DLT Foundation.Sep 30Sep 30
InFinschiabyFinschiaFinschia Registers as a DLT Foundation with Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)SummaryMar 22Mar 22
InFinschiabyFinschiaFNSA Unstaking Recommendation NoticeWe would like to inform users utilizing the staking feature that you may proceed with unstaking if you wish.Aug 27Aug 27
InFinschiabyFinschiaPreparations for the Upcoming Kaia Chain Token SwapIn this guide, you’ll learn how to swap FNSA tokens on the Finschia chain for KAIA tokens on the Kaia chain ahead of the new chain launch.May 24
InFinschiabyFinschiaFinschia Registers as a DLT Foundation with Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)SummaryMar 22
InFinschiabyFinschiaFNSA Unstaking Recommendation NoticeWe would like to inform users utilizing the staking feature that you may proceed with unstaking if you wish.Aug 27
InNEOPINbyNEOPINHow to Swap KLAY-nFNSADiscover how to swap nFNSA (wrapped FNSA on Klaytn via the NEOPIN Finschia Bridge) and KLAY with this guide.Feb 15
Finschia[EN]Session Alert: Finschia x Klaytn Q&AThe Finschia Foundation and Klaytn Foundation have announced the blockchain merge, aiming for the no.1 mainnet in Asia. To address…Jan 18