InUrban Company – EngineeringbyUC BloggerBoost Your Reach: How Urban Company Mastered Push Notification DeliveryBy — Rounak Saha (Engineer, Platform)Jun 5
OzumaheGot this Error while accessing a git repo with WSL(Ubuntu) on Windows/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git-credential-manager.exe get: 1: /mnt/c/Program…Jul 31, 2023
Tushar BabbarAES GCM — Encrypt in Java, decrypt in RubyAES GCM implementation abstracts the need to share the auth_tag and appends it to the encrypted data. The doFinal method returns cipher…Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019
InTata 1mg TechnologybyNiharika AroraMigrating from GCM to FCM with different sender IDs for the same ApplicationReally ?? How can sender IDs be different for the same Application?Feb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Amitesh Kumar MauryaFirebasePush Notification capability to your Android appOpen Firebase ConsoleJul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019
InUrban Company – EngineeringbyUC BloggerBoost Your Reach: How Urban Company Mastered Push Notification DeliveryBy — Rounak Saha (Engineer, Platform)Jun 5
OzumaheGot this Error while accessing a git repo with WSL(Ubuntu) on Windows/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git-credential-manager.exe get: 1: /mnt/c/Program…Jul 31, 2023
Tushar BabbarAES GCM — Encrypt in Java, decrypt in RubyAES GCM implementation abstracts the need to share the auth_tag and appends it to the encrypted data. The doFinal method returns cipher…Nov 15, 2019
InTata 1mg TechnologybyNiharika AroraMigrating from GCM to FCM with different sender IDs for the same ApplicationReally ?? How can sender IDs be different for the same Application?Feb 7, 2019
Amitesh Kumar MauryaFirebasePush Notification capability to your Android appOpen Firebase ConsoleJul 8, 2019
InMyntra EngineeringbyMario StalloneNotifications without the network!A Push Notification is a message (read data), that’s sent from a remote server to a connected deviceFeb 25, 20171
Volodia ChornenkyiDo you want to use two or more FirebaseMessagingServices at once?They work perfectly fine on their own but not together.Apr 2, 20191