Olly HaynesNotes ahead of the 2022 electionThe prevailing narrative until recently was that 2022 would be a contest between Le Pen and Macron, that the left was in total disarray…Aug 9, 2021
Forrest CrellinMacron Attempts to Stop Protests by Raising the Minimum WageMacron responded to the Gilets jaunes protests by announcing late Monday evening that he would raise the SMIC, or the French minimum wage…Dec 10, 2018
Renegade Inc.Extreme Cities & Economics of ApartheidProfessor Ashley Dawson discusses why the solutions to make cities resilient, inhabitable and sustainable are simply not radical enough.Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Andrew AndronicouMother of Marianne.On an overcast Saturday morning in Paris last December, yellow-vest protestors and press alike saw something remarkable. In the distant…May 23, 2019May 23, 2019
DigitalStrat67Les Gilets Jaunes Are The Answer To The Neo-Liberal Betrayal Of EuropeThere is a striking symbolism to the face of Colmar’s Statue of Liberty covered by a yellow mask.Sep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020
Olly HaynesNotes ahead of the 2022 electionThe prevailing narrative until recently was that 2022 would be a contest between Le Pen and Macron, that the left was in total disarray…Aug 9, 2021
Forrest CrellinMacron Attempts to Stop Protests by Raising the Minimum WageMacron responded to the Gilets jaunes protests by announcing late Monday evening that he would raise the SMIC, or the French minimum wage…Dec 10, 2018
Renegade Inc.Extreme Cities & Economics of ApartheidProfessor Ashley Dawson discusses why the solutions to make cities resilient, inhabitable and sustainable are simply not radical enough.Dec 14, 2020
Andrew AndronicouMother of Marianne.On an overcast Saturday morning in Paris last December, yellow-vest protestors and press alike saw something remarkable. In the distant…May 23, 2019
DigitalStrat67Les Gilets Jaunes Are The Answer To The Neo-Liberal Betrayal Of EuropeThere is a striking symbolism to the face of Colmar’s Statue of Liberty covered by a yellow mask.Sep 29, 2020
Fabrice HoudartTackling the corporate “poshness test” in the Covid19 and BLM eraThere will not be a “great reset” of capitalism if we do not address the subtle mechanisms of socio-economic exclusion in the workplaceJul 4, 2020
InEnsiabyEnsiaOpinion: The “yellow vests” show that in France, as elsewhere, a green economy must be a fair…The gilets jaunes protests and others around the world make clear that green policies must also address equality — or they will be rejectedJun 20, 20192