Jeremy NeyWhat can America learn from Kenya about fighting poverty?Evidence from the largest cash transfer program in history, in collaboration with GiveDirectly, and featuring words from former mayor of…Mar 13
InA Smiling WorldbySamie DorghamCash or Cheese? How To Transform Lives Through GivingThe most effective way to help others and benefit both physically and mentallyMar 31, 20234
Paul E. FallonMy Favorite (Good News) Story of 2023The news these days is bleak, right? Local news is all murder and arson and corruption and crime. National news is all political brawling…Jan 10Jan 10
InSatchitananda FoundationbyDaniel NareaLifting an Entire County out of PovertyMaryland County, LiberiaNov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
Jeremy NeyWhat can America learn from Kenya about fighting poverty?Evidence from the largest cash transfer program in history, in collaboration with GiveDirectly, and featuring words from former mayor of…Mar 13
InA Smiling WorldbySamie DorghamCash or Cheese? How To Transform Lives Through GivingThe most effective way to help others and benefit both physically and mentallyMar 31, 20234
Paul E. FallonMy Favorite (Good News) Story of 2023The news these days is bleak, right? Local news is all murder and arson and corruption and crime. National news is all political brawling…Jan 10
InSatchitananda FoundationbyDaniel NareaLifting an Entire County out of PovertyMaryland County, LiberiaNov 18, 2022
ODSC - Open Data ScienceGoogle and GiveDirectly Use AI to Provide Cash Assistance to Victims of Hurricane IanGoogle and nonprofit GiveDirectly have teamed up and are using the power of artificial intelligence to target the poorest victims of…Oct 27, 2022
InDoinGudbyDoinGud TeamDoinGud is teaming up with GiveDirectly to give the world’s people autonomy through direct…Imagine a life of poverty, where you don’t have enough money to feed your family. You’re barely able to put food on the table, and you…Jun 6, 2022
InESTHER GivingbyRichard JohnstonHow does giving people money make a difference to their mental health?This interview was conducted by Zoom on 12th May 2021 between ESTHER and one of our partner charities, PIPS (Public Initiative for…May 17, 2021