InGeneration GirlbyJessi FebriaMy experience joining ElectivesxGoAcademy classes with Gojek’s Product Engineers!Hello, all! I’d like to share my experience in this article, and … it’s my first time writing a Medium article, so please bear with me 😆Mar 6, 2021
InLife at GojekbyVicario ReinaldoHow GO-JEK Learns From Football Academy to Produce World Class TalentsWorld class football clubs have multiple line of attacks to get world class talents. On top of recruiting players from other clubs, they…Sep 19, 2018
Anggi Maisa HadayaRuby Hands-On with ElectivesxGoAcademyGem? Do you know the things that Thanos put on his glove? Ya, that’s Infinity Stones not a gem (Just kidding).Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Fajar Abdul KarimGojek Academy #LearnAtHome : Honest ReviewHow to spend productive weekend during pandemicSep 26, 20201Sep 26, 20201
Dennischandrian[BNCC x GoAcademy] Introduction to Mobile Programming with Kotlin in Android StudioHi! I hope you all stay healthy in this pandemic around the world. But this pandemic should not stop us from learning new things. One of…Sep 17, 2020Sep 17, 2020
InGeneration GirlbyJessi FebriaMy experience joining ElectivesxGoAcademy classes with Gojek’s Product Engineers!Hello, all! I’d like to share my experience in this article, and … it’s my first time writing a Medium article, so please bear with me 😆Mar 6, 2021
InLife at GojekbyVicario ReinaldoHow GO-JEK Learns From Football Academy to Produce World Class TalentsWorld class football clubs have multiple line of attacks to get world class talents. On top of recruiting players from other clubs, they…Sep 19, 2018
Anggi Maisa HadayaRuby Hands-On with ElectivesxGoAcademyGem? Do you know the things that Thanos put on his glove? Ya, that’s Infinity Stones not a gem (Just kidding).Mar 4, 2021
Fajar Abdul KarimGojek Academy #LearnAtHome : Honest ReviewHow to spend productive weekend during pandemicSep 26, 20201
Dennischandrian[BNCC x GoAcademy] Introduction to Mobile Programming with Kotlin in Android StudioHi! I hope you all stay healthy in this pandemic around the world. But this pandemic should not stop us from learning new things. One of…Sep 17, 2020
Michelle AureliaProductive by ProgrammingThe hardest part of being on a holiday is staying productive.Sep 17, 2020
Mutia KhairunisaGet to Know “Data Edition” in a Compelling Way #LearnAtHome with Go Academy.During the global pandemic, everybody feels less productive or could be otherwise. As a student in last year-term who is working ahead in…Jun 20, 2020