Eni kindnessA Succint Look At Methods in GoIn this article, we looked at methods in Go; both in terms of defining them for struct types and type aliases. We also explored how the…Sep 17
VijeshHandling Custom Errors in Go: A Deep Dive into errors.Is and errors.AsIn Go, error handling is a fundamental concept. With the introduction of Go 1.13, the standard library provided new ways to work with…Aug 19, 20231
Devpriya ShivaniGo Interfaces, Polymorphism & CollectionInterfaces and polymorphism are fundamental concepts in Go that allow for flexible and decoupled code design. This blog post will explore…Jul 23Jul 23
BrianBuilding a RESTful API with Go: A Step-by-Step GuideTo write a simple REST API in Go, you can use the built-in net/http package. Here's an example of a simple HTTP server that listens on port…Mar 24, 2023Mar 24, 2023
Devpriya ShivaniGo Type AssertionsIn Go, an interface is a powerful abstraction that allows us to decouple the implementation from the behavior. Essentially, an interface…Jul 23Jul 23
Eni kindnessA Succint Look At Methods in GoIn this article, we looked at methods in Go; both in terms of defining them for struct types and type aliases. We also explored how the…Sep 17
VijeshHandling Custom Errors in Go: A Deep Dive into errors.Is and errors.AsIn Go, error handling is a fundamental concept. With the introduction of Go 1.13, the standard library provided new ways to work with…Aug 19, 20231
Devpriya ShivaniGo Interfaces, Polymorphism & CollectionInterfaces and polymorphism are fundamental concepts in Go that allow for flexible and decoupled code design. This blog post will explore…Jul 23
BrianBuilding a RESTful API with Go: A Step-by-Step GuideTo write a simple REST API in Go, you can use the built-in net/http package. Here's an example of a simple HTTP server that listens on port…Mar 24, 2023
Devpriya ShivaniGo Type AssertionsIn Go, an interface is a powerful abstraction that allows us to decouple the implementation from the behavior. Essentially, an interface…Jul 23
Nova NovriansyahinNovAi-Go Programming 101Go Error Handling, defer, and exit: A Comprehensive GuideError handling is a crucial aspect of any programming language, and Go provides a robust and straightforward way to manage errors. This…Jun 1
Devpriya ShivaniGo Blank IdentifierIn Go, the blank identifier is represented by an underscore (_). It's a special identifier that can be used in various scenarios where a…Jul 22
BrianExploring Embedding and Interfaces for Inheritance in GoIn Go, there is no traditional concept of class-based inheritance as you might find in object-oriented languages like Java or Python…Dec 22, 2023