Colin OakleyGOV.UK Prototype Kit: New layouts with service navigationWith the release of the new service navigation component, there are a couple of things we can do to integrate it into the prototype tool…Sep 5
InDesiderium SciendibyDavid DurantGOV.UK Forms and the State of Government as a PlatformGOV.UK Forms is greatApr 30Apr 30
InBootcampbyVicky TeinakiApproaching interaction design in government10 points specifically for interaction design to complement the Government Design PrinciplesJun 20, 2023Jun 20, 2023
Vicky TeinakiInformation architecture in the world of GOV.UKA weeknote, starting 5 February 2024Feb 101Feb 101
Colin OakleyGOV.UK Prototype Kit: New layouts with service navigationWith the release of the new service navigation component, there are a couple of things we can do to integrate it into the prototype tool…Sep 5
InDesiderium SciendibyDavid DurantGOV.UK Forms and the State of Government as a PlatformGOV.UK Forms is greatApr 30
InBootcampbyVicky TeinakiApproaching interaction design in government10 points specifically for interaction design to complement the Government Design PrinciplesJun 20, 2023
Vicky TeinakiInformation architecture in the world of GOV.UKA weeknote, starting 5 February 2024Feb 101
Paul MaltbyGovernment as a Platform 2.0: How government publishing needs to change in a world of generative AIGovernment information will soon need to be optimised for LLMs not just people, leading to a rethink about what and how governments publishJun 9, 20231
Craig AbbottThe hidden function of the ‘check your answers’ pattern’In user research we discovered that the check your answers pattern provides more value to a user than just checking their answers.Nov 16, 2023
InBootcampbyMichael TyrrellWeeknote 4: Kanban time, show the thing, and increments or iterations?This week has been mostly about internal discussions on user stories, delivery and process. I also had my second UX project lifecycles…Oct 20, 2023