InGreaterthanbyAnna Teresa KopaczLiminal space revealedunexpected, altered, discreet, exposedNov 14, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna Teresa KopaczDecision Logreflection of the limitations that govern my decisionsNov 7, 20211Nov 7, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna OetlingIt takes one to know one: my path to human-centric recruitmentMy favorite movie as a teen was “Working Girl”. Fancy purse in hand, pantsuit and heels, entering a skyscraper in NYC. I wanted that.Oct 30, 20211Oct 30, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna Teresa KopaczLiminal space revealedunexpected, altered, discreet, exposedNov 14, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna Teresa KopaczDecision Logreflection of the limitations that govern my decisionsNov 7, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna OetlingIt takes one to know one: my path to human-centric recruitmentMy favorite movie as a teen was “Working Girl”. Fancy purse in hand, pantsuit and heels, entering a skyscraper in NYC. I wanted that.Oct 30, 20211
InGreaterthanbyAnna Teresa KopaczThorns again my skinPAH! — goes my knee against the concrete.Oct 29, 2021
InGreaterthanbyDonatas PociusOn the hunt of my own EGOA country without leaders who strive to govern the people? A country where psychological security is felt and there is an opportunity to…Oct 29, 20211
InGreaterthanbyElena DenaroAdult-to-Adult: starting smallWhen hosting the Practical Self Management Intensive, I always tell participants that the importance of the weekly reflection space isn’t…Oct 25, 2021