InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 43: May Never Be Again“There is nothing left now but to end this song and begin anew.” – Titania Cavainna (234 PA)Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistEpilogue: Reforged“Those who truly want change must be the first to make it.” – Panna Sul (235 PA)Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 42: What Has Been“It’s not until we face death that we truly live.” – Duaal Sinnay (234 PA)Nov 10, 2023Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 41: Kahazzek“Life is worth dying for.” – Xia (234 PA)Nov 8, 2023Nov 8, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 40: The Devourers“Death is just your body running out of ammunition. So slam in a fresh battery and keep fighting!” – Victor Kharos (234 PA)Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 43: May Never Be Again“There is nothing left now but to end this song and begin anew.” – Titania Cavainna (234 PA)Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistEpilogue: Reforged“Those who truly want change must be the first to make it.” – Panna Sul (235 PA)Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 42: What Has Been“It’s not until we face death that we truly live.” – Duaal Sinnay (234 PA)Nov 10, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 41: Kahazzek“Life is worth dying for.” – Xia (234 PA)Nov 8, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 40: The Devourers“Death is just your body running out of ammunition. So slam in a fresh battery and keep fighting!” – Victor Kharos (234 PA)Nov 6, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 39: Axis“Welcome back to Axis. Our home away from scattered homes.” – Tiberius Myles (232 PA)Nov 3, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 38: Eight Days“Do not weep for my death. I fly into the light while my enemies hide in the dark.” – Suvaen Dammar (234 PA)Nov 1, 2023
InLoose Leaf StoriesbyErica LindquistChapter 37: The Call“You can’t always wait for the weapons you need. Fight with the ones you have.” – Logan Centra (234 PA)Oct 30, 2023