Nadia HrynkiwHow do you know if you are a Shaman?This is a question I am asked a lot. The answer is both simple and not so simple. But first, take other people’s perspective very lightly…Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020
39BillionIn the small village of Umuagu, nestled in the heart of Igbo land, there lived a woman named Nneoma.Greatest healer Feb 1826Feb 1826
Nadia HrynkiwHow do you know if you are a Shaman?This is a question I am asked a lot. The answer is both simple and not so simple. But first, take other people’s perspective very lightly…Nov 22, 2020
39BillionIn the small village of Umuagu, nestled in the heart of Igbo land, there lived a woman named Nneoma.Greatest healer Feb 1826
39BillionIn the small village of Umuahia, nestled in the heart of a lush forest, there lived a young girl…Village healer Feb 429
Alexandria RiggsThe Forever HealerThe floor has welcomed me on many occasions, the weight of my body buckling at the knees. Sometimes due to sadness, and other times all…May 12, 2024
AD ColvinConnecting the Dots: For Me. For You. For Humanity.A message for the Empaths and the HealersJan 24