InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbySujona ChatterjeeHere Is What We Can Learn from Selena Gomez’s Happy EndingLove and respect yourself first!1d ago4
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InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbySujona ChatterjeeHere Is What We Can Learn from Selena Gomez’s Happy EndingLove and respect yourself first!1d ago4
InThree Imaginary GirlsbyDana DuBoisSix Love Stories as Told Via “69 Love Songs” by the Magnetic FieldsSome of them are just transcendental. Some of them are really dumb.Apr 2620
vina’s memories captured on pagesHow could you be fine while I struggle to even breathe?How could you be fine? How can you move through life with such ease, while I am left to navigate the wreckage alone?Mar 1635
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyDamien DsoulA Letter to . . .Once upon a letter to someone.3d ago1
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