David NorczykJesus Prayed for Our SanctificationIn Jesus’ high priestly prayer (Jn 17), on the night He was betrayed, the night before His crucifixion, our Lord prayed for our…Feb 11
David NorczykAn Exhortation to Consider Your Allegiance to Jesus ChristFaith in the Christ, who is God, is the ultimate privilege for the sons of Adam (humanity). When God justifies a sinner with the precious…Aug 8, 20231Aug 8, 20231
David NorczykJesus Christ, the King/Priest of Psalm 110Kings and priests have come and gone throughout human history. The promise of Psalm 110 is the coming of an eternal King who would also be…Oct 8, 2024Oct 8, 2024
David NorczykJesus Prayed for Our SanctificationIn Jesus’ high priestly prayer (Jn 17), on the night He was betrayed, the night before His crucifixion, our Lord prayed for our…Feb 11
David NorczykAn Exhortation to Consider Your Allegiance to Jesus ChristFaith in the Christ, who is God, is the ultimate privilege for the sons of Adam (humanity). When God justifies a sinner with the precious…Aug 8, 20231
David NorczykJesus Christ, the King/Priest of Psalm 110Kings and priests have come and gone throughout human history. The promise of Psalm 110 is the coming of an eternal King who would also be…Oct 8, 2024
Marco RöderThe High Calling of Biblical LeadershipLessons from the high priest on humility, sacrifice, and responsibilityMay 2, 2024
David NorczykThe Final Priest and the Final Sacrifice for SinsAlmighty God works all things after the counsel of His own free will (Eph 1:11), to the end that He alone should be glorified. In His…Feb 27, 2024
David NorczykJesus Christ, Our Great High Priest and Mediator of the New CovenantThe writer of Hebrews addresses his Jewish-Christian audience with a Christ-centered sermon/letter. Jesus Christ is explained by the…Feb 12, 2024